Create Replace Transaction
Create raw bytes of an unsigned transaction to place an order by specified parameters.
This endpoint does not submit the transaction to the network.
The endpoint allows you to specify priority fees and tips to later control the transaction inclusion and propagation. Refer to the Transaction Submission & Front-Running Protection & Transaction Bundle page for additional information about these parameters.
POST ./api/v2/openbook/replace
Parameter | Type | Description |
| string | Unique order ID to be replaced. This order ID is assigned by the orderbook after processing, and can be difficult to associate with a transaction without the |
| string | OPTIONAL. Client order id which can be customized by the user. |
| string | User's account address to place order |
| string | Account address to pay for the order. Typically, this is the same as |
| string | Smart contract address/symbol of the market. |
| string | Order type, β |
| number | Order size |
| number | Order price. Not applicable if the type is "market" |
| string | Supported types: "LIMIT", "IOC", "POSTONLY" |
| string | Define with open order address to place the order in case of having multiple open order addresses. |
| number | OPTIONAL. Specifies total compute limit to be allocated for all instructions within the created tx |
| number | OPTIONAL. Specifies compute price in Lamport (0.000001 SOL = 1,000 Lamport) to be included as a part of instruction, known as priority fee. |
| uint64 | OPTIONAL. Specifies a tip amount that will be used to pay for front-running protection or bundle submission services. What is |
Request example:
Field | Description |
| Raw bytes of unsigned transaction |
| The open order address to place the order |
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