🌊Solana BDN

bloXroute Solana Blockchain Distribution Network (BDN) sends and delivers shreds fast. Expected latency improvements from using the BDN is 30-50ms. The BDN benefits all nodes including Validators and RPC nodes. The following users will benefit from connecting their node to the BDN: Traders using local node with geyser plugin (Geyser notification will be significantly faster), Validators (expect increase in APY as a result of lower fork and increase in voting) and RPC providers (will deliver faster endpoints to their users).

You can connect your node to the Solana BDN through the Solana Gateway. Once attached, the Gateway will enable your Solana node to receive and pass shreds with the rest of the BDN.

For the most up-to-date information regarding the Solana BDN, please join our Discord.

Last updated