πŸ’‚ETH Protect RPC

Front-running protection for transactions on the Ethereum Network.

ETH Protect provides reliable and free front-running protection for Metamask transactions on the Ethereum Mainnet network.

ETH Protect securely sends your transaction directly to block proposers using our high-performance global network. This keeps transactions hidden from front-running and sandwich bots until after the transaction has been mined and the window of opportunity for an attack has passed.

Setup custom ETH Protect RPC in Metamask

1. Open Metamask and click on "Settings"

2. Click on "Networks", and then click on "Add Network" on the Networks menu.

  1. Select "Custom Networks"

  2. Add custom ETH Protect RPC to your Metamask

  • Network Name: ETH Protect

  • RPC URL: https://eth-protect.rpc.blxrbdn.com

  • Chain ID: 1

  • Symbol: ETH

  • Block Explorer URL (optional): https://etherscan.io

Last updated