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The bloXroute Intent Network gateway functionality is part of the standard BDN gateway. You can use a Local Gateway to access our Intent Network. For more details about the installation of a local gateway, please refer to Local Gateway - Installation and Startup.
Intent Network also supports Cloud-API for faster and easier integration. Check Cloud-API IPs page for more information.
There are two types of roles in Intent Network, dApp & Trader. The only difference is that only a user registered as a dApp will be able to subscribe to its Solutions Stream.
Intents Stream
Solutions Stream
Quotes Stream
Submit Intent
Submit Solution
Submit Quote
Any EVM-intent-based dApp is welcome to integrate with us. If you are interested in working with us, please contact us for a demo.
After installing a local gateway, you will be able to subscribe to the Intents Streams.
The intent response will look like below. Depending on the dApp(dappAddress
), the intent
payload will be different.
ETH address of the DApp that owns the intent
ETH address of intent sender
UUID of the intent
timestamp (optional)
After receiving an intent event, you will need to refer to dApp's developer docs to parse the intent information.
Using the intents stream to identify trading opportunities, you will then use Submit Solution to submit your trade.
Most of the dApp also supports traders Submitting Intent through Intent Network. Therefore other Traders inside the network can start their searches right away.
Collaborating with our first integrated project Aori, we provided an example of dApp or Trader/Searcher implementation.
dApps Integration: What does do?
Subscribes to Aori order book updates and converts them to standard intents format before sending them to the Intent Gateway.
Subscribes to intent solutions coming from the Intent Gateway and converts them to taker orders before sending them to the Aori network.
Traders & Searchers Integration: What does the do?
Subscribes to the intent gateway, and reads the make orders coming from the Intent Gateway.
Creates a take order for each and submits them back to the gateway as intent solutions.
Resource: supported dApp SDK.