Private Transactions

Send private transactions on Ethereum Mainnet & BSC to protect your transaction from frontrunning bots.

What Are Private Transactions?

Private transactions bypass the public mempool and are sent directly to bloXroute’s network, where they are distributed to trusted, participating builders. This prevents frontrunning bots from accessing the transactions before they are included in a block. By submitting transactions privately, users gain enhanced protection against frontrunning and other exploitative behaviors.


  • Private transactions no longer require additional payments to bloXroute and are available across all tiers (similar to blxr_tx) for free.

  • Private transactions are automatically enrolled in the BackRunMe service, which shares 40% of the profit with searchers.

Frontrunning Protection Rate Limit for All Chains


Request Rate Limit


No Limit


5 transactions every 1 second


3 transactions every 1 second


1 transaction every 5 seconds


1 transaction every 5 seconds

Last updated